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Uncover the nature of "hidden order" phase transition in the strong spin-orbit-coupled correlated metal Cd2Re2O7

报告题目   Uncover the nature of "hidden order" phase transition in the strong spin-orbit-coupled correlated metal Cd2Re2O7
报告人   王义林 博士
报告人单位   布鲁克海文国家实验室凝聚态物理系
报告时间   2019-12-26 09:30:00
报告地点   合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心一楼科技展厅
主办单位   合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心


  Inversion symmetry breaking in materials with strong spin-orbital interaction will induce novel phenomena such as Rashba effect, Weyl fermions and odd-parity topological superconductors. When this happens at presence of strong electronic correlations, its effects have not been well studied yet. Here, we show that it can dramatically changes the electronic properties by studying the mysterious "hidden order" phase transition in the strong spin-orbit-coupled correlated metal, Cd2Re2O7, where a tiny structure change with inversion symmetry breaking induces dramatic changes in its electronic properties. For this study, we apply the first-principle density functional theory plus dynamical mean-filed theory method and transport measurements. Our results show that the electronic correlations in Cd2Re2O7 derive mainly from Hund's couplings, and the correlation strength is significantly reduced after losing the inversion symmetry which is caused by enhancing the dynamical mean-field function through the splitting of Kramers degenerate bands. Our results can naturally interpret the electronic anomalies across the phase transition without any electronic orders.



  王义林,2010年7月本科毕业于中国人民大学物理系;2016年7月于中国科学院物理研究所获得理学博士学位;2016年9月至今,在布鲁克海文国家实验室凝聚态物理系担任博士后研究员。研究领域主要包含:使用第一性原理计算方法 DFT+DMFT 和 DFT+Gutzwiller 进行强关联材料的电子结构和磁性计算,重点关注多轨道体系;使用数值重整化群方法研究多轨道的Anderson 和Kondo杂质模型;基于精确对角化方法 (ED),理论模拟X-射线吸收谱(XAS)和共振非弹性散射谱(RIXS)。以第一作者身份已在 Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Computer Physics Communications等国际著名杂志上发表多篇研究论文。
