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Comenius University, Slovakia的Prof. Štefan Matejčík前来我室进行学术交流与访问

时间:2008-11-06 00:59:00 来源:合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室|http://www.hfnl.ustc.edu.cn

  11月6日上午,来自Department of Experimental Physics, Comenius University, Slovakia的Prof. Dr. Štefan Matejčík前来我室进行学术交流与访问,并为我室师生们做 “Electron Attachment and Electron Impact Ionisation to Small Amino Acid Molecules”的学术报告。

  Dr. Matejčík, is the deputy head of the Department of Experimental Physics. He is specialist on the field of the electron induced processes in the gas phase and in the cluster phase. He is author and co-author of 65 papers in international scientific journals. 1996 He received the German Humboldt fellowship. Since 1998 he was or is chief scientific investigator of several Slovak and European projects, Volkswagen-Stiftung projects, Chairman of the conference SAPP (Symposium on application of plasma processes), and member of Coordinated Research Projects at IAEA. His studies covered molecules relevant to the technological plasma (halogenated hydrocarbons, HMDSO), fusion plasma (small hydrocarbons), biomolecules (DNA bases, amino acids). Recently, Dr. Matejčík started new project on the field of ion mobility spectrometry, focusing on the study of high pressure discharges (corona discharge) and electron attachment reactions at atmospheric pressure.
