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Single Molecules at Action under Microscope

报告题目   Single Molecules at Action under Microscope
报告人   Prof. Bingqian xu
报告人单位   University of Georgia, USA
报告时间   2024-06-03 10:00:00
报告地点   物质科研B楼B1502会议室
主办单位   合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心


  Single molecule study, where science and engineering converge, applies the tools and measurement techniques of nanoscale physics and chemistry to generate remarkable new insights into how physical, chemical, and biological systems function. It permits direct observation of molecular behavior that can be obscured by ensemble averaging and enables the study of important problems ranging from the fundamental physics of electronic transport in single molecule junctions and biophysics of single molecule interactions, such as the energetics and nonequilibrium transport mechanisms in single molecule junctions and the energy landscape of biomolecular reactions, associated lifetimes, and free energy, to the study and design of single molecules as devices-molecular wires, rectifiers and transistors and high‐affinity, anti‐cancer drugs. I will describe, with our examplary researches, the evolution of our pioneered highly integrated SPM-based approaches to simultaneously fabricate, control, modulate, and monitor the electronic and mechanical properties of molecular junction devices and probe the biophysical mechanism of single‐molecule interactions at the single-molecule level.


  徐炳乾,美国佐治亚大学教授,主要研究方向为纳米/单分子电子学、生物单分子鉴定、生物分子(DNA和蛋白质)结构与性质,并取得了突出成就。在国际知名期刊(Science、Nature Chem.、JACS、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等)上发表了120多篇研究论文并被引超万次。徐炳乾教授是STM断却结技术(Science 2003)的创始人,该技术已在世界范围被广泛应用于单分子电学等性质的研究。
