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俄罗斯Moscow State Lomonosov University的Prof. Sergey Troyanov前来我室进行学术交流与访问

时间:2010-09-15 02:49:00 来源:合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室|http://www.hfnl.ustc.edu.cn

  应我室原子分子科学研究部杨上峰教授的邀请,9月14日,俄罗斯Department of Chemistry, Moscow State Lomonosov University的Prof. Sergey Troyanov前来我室进行学术交流与访问,并为我室师生做“Investigations in the field of empty higher fullerenes”的学术报告。
  Prof. Sergey Troyanov obtained a higher education at the Institute of Chemical Technology in Moscow 1961. He then defended his PhD work in 1972 and his doctor’s degree in 1990 at the same university. Currently he is a Professor of Department of Chemistry, Moscow State Lomonosov University, Russia.
  Prof. Troyanov has several fields of interests, including inorganic and organometallic chemistry; hydrogen bond; X-ray and neutron crystallography; fullerene chemistry. He has wide scientific cooperation with universities of the Netherlands, Italy, Germany and currently also of USTC. He served as the member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry” (Zeit. Anorg. Allg. Chem.). He is the author (and co-author) of more than 400 scientific publications. "
