![]() | 姓 名: | 张斗国 |
地 址: | 安徽省合肥市金寨路96号,中国科学技术大学 | |
电子邮件: | dgzhang#ustc.edu.cn |
个人简介 |
光学与光学工程系教授/博士生导师,主要从事微纳光学与光子学研究。2007年获中国科学技术大学光学博士学位,2008-2010任职于新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院 (Research Fellow)。2010年至今工作于中国科学技术大学物理学院光学与光学工程系。 |
研究方向 |
1. | 轻量化、小型化光学成像与传感系统 |
2. | 单分子、单颗粒物理、化学特性 |
3. | 光子学技术在环境科学、材料科学中的应用 |
在研项目 |
1. | 国家自然科学基金委重点项目,表面光场调控及其与纳米散射体相互作用的应用基础研究,2021/01-2025/12, 主持 |
2. | 安徽省重点研究与开发计划面上攻关项目,基于光学表面波的单个超细大气颗粒物吸湿性监测仪器研制,2021/01-2023/12,主持 |
代表性论文 |
1. | Yang Liu, Yan Kuai, Qiwen Zhan, Joseph R. Lakowicz, Douguo Zhang*. “Wide-field optical sizing of single nanoparticles with 10 nm accuracy”. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 64(9), 294213(2021) |
2. | Yan Kuai#, Zhibo Xie#, Junxue Chen, Huaqiao Gui*, Liang Xu, Cuifang Kuang, Pei Wang, Xu Liu, Jianguo Liu, Joseph. R. Lakowicz, and Douguo Zhang*, “Real-Time Measurement of the Hygroscopic Growth Dynamics of Single Aerosol Nanoparticles with Bloch Surface Wave Microscopy”, ACS Nano, 14, 9136–9144 (2020) |
3. | Fengya Lu, Yan Kuai, Junxue Chen, Xi Tang, Yifeng Xiang, Yang Liu, Pei Wang, Joseph. R. Lakowicz, Douguo Zhang*, “Switchable Assembly and Guidance of Colloidal particles on an All-Dielectric One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal”, Physical Review Applied, 13, 014020 (2020). |
4. | Yan Kuai#, Junxue Chen#, Xi Tang, Yifeng Xiang, Fengya Lu, Cuifang Kuang, Liang Xu, Weidong Shen, Junjie Cheng, Huaqiao Gui, Gang Zou, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, Jianguo Liu, Xu Liu, Joseph R. Lakowicz, and Douguo Zhang*, “Label-free surface-sensitive photonic microscopy with high spatial resolution using azimuthal rotation illumination”, Science Advances, 5, eaav5335 (2019) |
5. | Junxue Chen, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, Joseph R. Lakowicz and Douguo Zhang*, “Fano resonance and polarization transformation induced by interpolarization coupling of Bloch surface waves”, Physical Review B, 99, 115420 (2019) |
6. | Ruxue Wang, Junxue Chen, Yifeng Xiang, Yan Kuai, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, Joseph R. Lakowicz and Douguo Zhang*, “Two-Dimensional Photonic Devices based on Bloch Surface Waves with One-Dimensional Grooves”, Physical Review Applied, 10, 024032 (2018) |
7. | Junxue Chen, Douguo Zhang*, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, and Joseph R. Lakowicz, “Strong Polarization Transformation of Bloch Surface Waves”, Physical Review Applied, 9, 024008 (2018) |
8. | Chenlu He, Guang Yang, Yan Kuai, Sizhen Shan, Lin Yang, Jingang Hu, Douguo Zhang*, Qijin Zhang, Gang Zou*, “Dissymmetry enhancement in enantioselective synthesis of helical polydiacetylene by application of superchiral light”, Nature Communications, 9: 5117, 1-8(2018) |
9. | Douguo Zhang*, Yifeng Xiang, Junxue Chen*, Junjie Cheng, Liangfu Zhu, Ruxue Wang, Gang Zou, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, Mary Rosenfeld, Ramachandram Badugu, and Joseph R. Lakowicz, “Extending the Propagation Distance of a Silver Nanowire Plasmonic Waveguide with a Dielectric Multilayer Substrate”, Nano Letters, 18,1152-1158 (2018) |
10. | Douguo Zhang*, Ruxue Wang, Yifeng Xiang, Yan Kuai, Cuifang Kuang, Ramachandram Badugu, Yingke Xu, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, Xu Liu, and Joseph R. Lakowicz, “Silver Nanowires for Reconfigurable Bloch Surface Waves”, ACS Nano, 11 (10), 10446–10451(2017) |
11. | Ruxue Wang, Yong Wang, Douguo Zhang*, Guangyuan Si, Liangfu Zhu, Luping DU, Shanshan Kou, Ramachandram Badugu, Mary Rosenfeld, Jiao Lin, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, Xiaocong Yuan, Joseph R. Lakowicz, “Diffraction-Free Bloch Surface Waves”, ACS Nano, 11, 5383 – 5390 (2017) |
12. | Ruxue Wang, Hongyan Xia, Douguo Zhang*, Junxue Chen, Liangfu Zhu, Yong Wang, Erchan Yang, Tianyang Zang, Xiaolei Wen, Gang Zou*, Pei Wang, Hai Ming, Ramachandram Badugu & Joseph R. Lakowicz, “Bloch surface waves confined in one dimension with a single polymeric nanofibre”, Nature. Communications. 8, 14330 (2017) |