窦 震

/uploads/image/2019/03/18/297636bc52a33b5d130a5554ad767e01.jpg Name:Dou Zhen (窦震)
 Address:Room 545, Biology Building, 

University of Science and Technology of China, 230027 Hefei, P. R. China


 Education and Research Experience
  1994.09-1998.07Department of Biology, Anhui University
Major: Microbiology, Degree: Bachelor of Science
  1998.09-2004.11School of Life Sciences, USTC
Major: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Degree: Ph.D.
  2004.12-2007.04School of Life Sciences, USTC
Post-doctoral researcher
  2005.05-2005.12Morehouse School of Medicine, USA
Visiting scholar
  2007.05-2009.10Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
Post-doctoral researcher
  2010.01-presentUniversity of Science and Technology of China, associated professor



Scholarship to attend 5th Doctoral students conference of APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) (2004, Sydney)

Postdoctoral researcher fellowship from Max-Planck Society, Germany (2007-2009)

Excellent research paper award of School of Life Sciences, USTC. (2015)


 Professional Membership

Member of the American Society for Cell Biology

Member of the Chinese Society of Cell Biology


 Research Interests

Kinetochore and Mitosis; Mitotic kinases; Ubiquitin-proteasome system in cell cycle control;

Genome instability and cancer.


 Representative Publications
  1.Dou Z#, Liu X#, Wang W, Zhu T, Wang X, Xu L, Abrieu A, Fu C, Hill DL, Yao X*. 2015. Dynamic localization of Mps1 kinase to kinetochores is essential for accurate spindle microtubule attachment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(33): E4546-55.
  2.Wang X, Yu H, Xu L, Zhu T, Zheng F, Fu C, Wang Z, Dou Z*. 2014. Dynamic autophosphorylation of Mps1 kinase is required for faithful mitotic progression. PLOS ONE. 9 (9): e0104723.
  3.Zhu T#, Dou Z#, Qin B, Jin C, Wang X, Xu L, Wang Z, Zhu L, Liu F, Gao X, Ke Y, Wang Z, Aikhionbare F, Fu C, Ding X, Yao X*. 2013. Phosphorylation of Microtubule-binding Protein Hec1 by Mitotic Kinase Aurora B Specifies Spindle Checkpoint Kinase Mps1 Signaling at the Kinetochore. J. Biol. Chem. 288: 36149-36159. (# equal contribution)
  4.Thebault P, Chirgadze DY, Dou Z, Blundell TL, Elowe S*, Bolanos-Garcia VM*. 2012. Structural and functional insights into the role of the N-terminal Mps1 TPR domain in the SAC (spindle assembly checkpoint). Biochem J. 448: 321-8.
  5.Dou Z, von Schubert C, Körner R, Santamaria A, Elowe S and Nigg EA*. 2011. Quantitative mass spectrometry analysis reveals similar substrate consensus motif for human Mps1 kinase and Plk1. PLoS ONE. 6(4):e18793.
  6.Hua S, Wang Z, Jiang K, Huang Y, Ward T, Zhao L, Dou Z*, Yao X*. 2011. CENP-U Cooperates with Hec1 to Orchestrate Kinetochore-Microtubule Attachment. J Biol Chem. 286: 1627-38. (* corresponding author)
  7.Zhao L, Chu J, Yuan K, Liu J, Yan F, Miao Y, Shaw A, Jin C, Dou Z*, Yao X*. 2010. Dimerization of CPAP orchestrates centrosome cohesion plasticity. J Biol. Chem. 285: 2488-97. (* corresponding author)
  8.Elowe S, Dulla K, Uldschmid A, Li X, Dou Z, Nigg EA. 2010. Uncoupling BubR1 spindle checkpoint and chromosome congression functions. J Cell Sci. 123: 84-94.
