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Coherent Energy Transfer Probed by Single-Molecule Measurements and Response Theory without Driving Field

报告题目   Coherent Energy Transfer Probed by Single-Molecule Measurements and Response Theory without Driving Field
报告人   Prof. Vladimir Y. Chernyak
报告人单位   Wayne State University
报告时间   2018-06-15
报告地点   合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心九楼会议室(9004)
主办单位   合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心、国际化学理论中心(ICCT)
  Coherent Energy Transfer (ET) is a common quantum phenomenon in nano-structure mesoscopic systems. However, the notions of coherence, as well as population, are basis set dependent. We suggest an approach, based on diagonalization of the reduced system density matrix at all times, that provides a basis-set independent characterization of coherent effects in energy transfer.
  We explore a possibility of monitoring coherent energy transfer using single-molecule measurements. This necessarily involves the Quantum Measurement (QM) theory due to the quantum nature of coherent energy transfer and repeated character of a single-molecule measurement. Adopting a Weak Measurement (WM) concept we derive a version of a stochastic trajectory formalism that is very close to an in a lab setting, by dealing with the probabilities of continuous electrical current measurement in the detector. We show that the correlation functions of the measured currents, available from statistical processing of experimental data, contain detailed information on the reduced density matrix evolution, and further develop response theory for multi-time correlation functions. This response theory is formally reminiscent o a standard optical response counterpart, with one interesting difference: the role of the driving field is also played by the QM via its intrinsic property to affect the measured system.

  Vladimir Y. Chernyak,美国韦恩州立大学化学系教授,于1983年4月于俄罗斯科学院光谱研究所获博士学位,2000年-2004年于美国康宁公司工作,2004年至今为美国韦恩州立大学化学系教授。Chernyak是理论化学和非线性光学领域国际一流科学家,他率先将非平衡统计力学的基本方法扩展并应用到理论化学多个领域,包括光诱导电子态动力学、分子马达、光化学反应、线性光谱原理等等领域。他在量子耗散和多体动力学,在半导体与生物大分子中的载流子长程输运,蛋白质折叠动力学,量子计算和量子信息方面做出了卓越工作。
