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Quasiparticle collapsing and charge modulation as manifestations of Mott physics

报告题目   Quasiparticle collapsing and charge modulation as manifestations of Mott physics
报告人   Prof.WENG Zhengyu
报告人单位   Tsinghua University
报告时间   2014-10-20
报告地点   合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室九楼会议室
主办单位   合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室
  Quasiparticle collapsing is a central issue in the study of strongly correlated electron systems. In the one-dimensional case, the quasiparticle collapsing in a form of spin-charge separation has been well established, but the problem remains elusive in dimensions higher than one. By using density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm, we show that in an anisotropic two-leg t-J ladder, an injected single hole behaves like a well-defined quasiparticle in the strong rung limit, but undergoes a ``phase transition'' with the effective mass diverging at a critical point towards the isotropic limit. After the transition, the quasiparticle collapses into a composite object of a self-localized charge (holon) and a deconfined spin-1/2 (spinon), accompanied by a substantially enhanced binding energy between two holes. We discuss the underlying novel mechanism, which may be generic for a doped Mott insulator of any dimensions.
