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Semiconductor photocatalysts and some basic issues

报告题目   Semiconductor photocatalysts and some basic issues
报告人   戴瑛 教授
报告人单位   山东大学物理学院
报告时间   2014-09-24
报告地点   合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室九楼会议室
主办单位   合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室、国际功能材料量子设计中心
Photocatalysis has attracted continuous interest and extensive research around the world due to its potential applications in energy and environmental fields since the discovery of photolysis of water at a semiconductor TiO2 electrode in 1972. With persistent efforts over the last forty years, significant progress has been made with the assistance of both nanotechnology and advanced characterization methods. However the poor efficiency still fails to meet the requirement of practical applications. In this talk, I will introduce the study progress on improving photocatalytic efficiency and promoting practical applications of semiconductor photocatalysts. The plasmonic photocatalysts, photocatalysts with spontaneous polarization and doped photocatalysts are introduced and discussed according to our research works.

  戴瑛,山东大学物理学院教授,全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师,山东省突出贡献中青年专家。1984年山东大学物理系学士,1998年山东大学物理化学博士,1998-2000年北京大学化学院博士后,2001-2002年稀土材料国家重点实验室高级访问学者。2000-2003年山东大学物理学院副教授; 2003.9 至今山东大学物理学院教授、博士生导师。近年来主要从事半导体电子结构及其光电性质、自旋电子学性质和光催化性质等的理论研究。在半导体光催化机理、二维材料光电性质与调控、及拓扑绝缘体材料的性质调控等方面取得一系列研究成果。在ACSnano, Phys.Rev.B, Phys.Rev.Lett., Appl.Phys.Lett., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J.Am.Chem.Soc., Chem. Mater.J. Mater. Chem.Scientific Reports等国际学术期刊发表或合作发表SCI研究论文200余篇,SCI他引4600余次,入选ESI十年高引频论文12篇,H-index 41
