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New Materials and Devices Beyond Si CMOS

报告题目   New Materials and Devices Beyond Si CMOS
报告人   Prof. Peide D. Ye (叶培德)
报告人单位   School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
报告时间   2014-07-02
报告地点   中科大西区特种实验楼2楼阶梯教室
主办单位   合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室、微纳研究与制造中心
  In the past decade, as scaling of Si CMOS technology approaches its end, III-V and Ge are indentified as the high-mobility channel materials to replace Si beyond 10 nm node according to the newest ITRS. The rise of two-dimensional (2D) atomic-layer crystals, such as graphene, MoS2 and phosphorene, has also given unique opportunities and challenges to the device research. In this talk, we will discuss the device perspective of these new materials and report on some of new breakthroughs on GaAs CMOS, Ge NFET, MoS2 FET, and few-layer phosphorene PFET.

  Dr. Peide Ye is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and University Faculty Scholar at Purdue University in USA. He received the B.S. from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1988 and Ph.D. from Max-Planck-Institute of Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany, in 1996. Before joining Purdue faculty in 2005, he worked for NTT, NHMFL/Princeton University, and Bell Labs/Agere Systems. His current research is focused on ALD high-k integration on novel channel materials include III-V, Ge, CNTs and graphene, complex oxides, topological insulators, and layered 2D crystals. He authored and co-authored more than 250 peer reviewed articles and conference presentations. He is a Fellow of IEEE.
